Monday, December 5, 2011


It's overwhelming being here. I keep having to remind myself that im in 
Greece. That I'm at the place I've been studying for the past month. 
I've seen slideshows and read articles on the acropolis, and then this 
past Monday I stood there and witnessed first hand the past glories of 
the parthenon.  We arrived here Sunday and were taken straight to the 
museum of the acropolis. Recently built, it mirrored the parthenon and 
held relics found at it's base.  There was this one room all in White 
filled with marble statues of woman. The sun hit the stones as we 
walked in, and you could understand how it must have felt to walk 
through the acropolis and have your breath seized from you by the 
beauty a mere man could create. 

After the museum we ate dinner at the one kosher restaurant in Athens. 
After a long plane ride the food was delicious. Soon Greek musicians 
arrived, and led by the chef we all  began to dance, swinging our legs 
and holding hands in a traditional Greek dance. That night we went to 
explore the bars and cafes sprawling across the city. Greece is a cafe 
country, everywhere people sit quietly chatting in quaint restaurants 
and shops. Our guide mentioned that Americans are always surprised by 
the price of a cappuccino, " you pay for the price of sitting" she 

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